Tata Docomo is a lousy service provider.Its sometimes due to lesser manpower, servers and other existing technology problems, improper inter-departmental communications, and poor employee empowerment.
They often BAR your outgoing calls, no matter the problem arrises from the customers end or service providers end. So, its better to have an alternate connection to survive unavoidable endless barrings.
The customer care often says "I understand your problem", "I an very sorry for your inconvenience", but cant come up with any viable solution, or help. They often lack several informations, and helplessly agrees that they dont have the concerned information. They are great examples of extremely poor employee empowerment.
The Nodal officer in charge at Bangalore rarely picks up your phone, and if at all does, sounds as hopeless as others.The grave truth is that nobody has full power to sort customer problems, and the customer knows what to do!