I bought a IFB digital washing machine in 2005 jan and it all was working fine till 2008.Then started the problem of rats and the PCB was replaced by the company.It worked all well for a year.In 2009 the PCB again blew and a series of PCBs were tried by the Service guy but to no avail.It kept working for a few months and then an error used appear.The service guy visited my house atleast 20 times and he almost replaced everything except the outer body.All kudos to him trying his level best but guess the company has to be blamed for issue. IFB just feel they lack consistency. In 2011 Dec I decided to go in for a LG full dryer.I scrapped the IFB.
I am wondering are these fully automatic washing machines really meant for India? I recommend prospective buyers of any washing machine, please check the following things:
1.The service ability of the engineers.
2.The customer support.
3.Availability of spare parts.This is vital since I bought the LG washing machine with full dryer and now a rat has got in and bitten off the wire.The service guy has told me the wire has to be procured from Korea and apparently its still not available so temporarily they are soldering the wire and giving it.So never go in for a fully imported one unless you are going to bear the delays if something goes wrong.Otherwise a super machine.I still dont know how well the machine might perform after the soldering.Fingers crossed.
4.Rat mesh.This is something no company is willing to provide with the machine.I smell a rat here.The company purposely gives you a weak mesh and the rat inevitably gets in and you will be at loss since it is never covered under warranty or amc. Something that I plan to pursue in the consumer court.Always look at the bottom when buying a machine and see how much gap exist.If too much gap exist then simply dont install the machine till you get a good steel mesh which rats cant bite a bit.Generally these guys who come to install will say they cant install the steel mesh so get an outsider or a local service guy to fix you the mesh.Then let him install the machine.It takes a night for a rat to chew off the wire and you are downright in gutters.In all probability he will argue with you saying no rats will get in.Beware of that talk.
5.AMC Always read the terms and conditions properly.
Anyway, aggrieved by the IFB company and feel one should be careful with the decisions they take after all these machines aint cheap and we lack laundry areas like the U.S. apartments.Hope this helps a few people.
Guess there is no good company who give you what you want.Good luck.