I am trying to report bad experience by an authorized LG dealer in Lucknow(Sadar Area)(Krishna Electronics). We purchased a front loading LG1256NDP(6KG) from this dealer. Cash payment(27900) was made on 23/12/2011 and was told that the machine would be delivered by evening. We get back home and nothing gets delivered by evening. We call him in the evening on why the machine was not delivered. We are told that he was able to procure the machine and would be able to deliver the next day.
We ask for it to be delivered by Sunday 25/12/2011 and on repeated phone calls confirms that it would be delivered between 2 PM and 3 PM on sunday.
Finally the guy from this dealer shows up on Sunday and tries to bring in a Washing machine which is clearly scratched and either a demo model or a used piece. The washing machine has a cover of another model of LG. Place where it says 6KG is scratched.
We refuse to take delivery and I promptly make a phone call that we are returning the product.
After this incident we go back to the dealer to confront him on why he sent a used and clearly dented machine. He has the nerve of telling me that he got this thing from the manufacturer(LG). The cover was damaged and he now has replaced the cover with another washing machine. The dealer says I do not have cash and writes a check of 27900 and hands it to us. In the evening he calls us and says he is ready to give us cash payment in return for the Invoice and check and the receipt by which we paid him and which he wants back(probably to clear his books).
One thing is clear LG does not has any control or clearly do not monitor these Authorized dealers. When making a dealer Authorized clearly no best practices are followed.
Dealers like these clearly bring bad repute to the manufacturer but no one is ready to hear from consumers.