Faced with the problem of getting pure drinking water which is free of biological, physical and chemical impurities for my home, I began the search and finally I found a Cost Effective and state of the art water filter system.
I zeroed on Permionics PureFlo model which cost me Rs.6000/- and doesnt need electricity to run, just the water pressure is enough, it incorporates the latest membrane technology to filter out virus(which is the smallest of microbes), uses charcoal filter to remove chemicals.
Maintenance is required once in a year ie., we have to replace the charcoal filter + fibre filter which may cost around Rs.200, the membrane has a long life and may require replacement once in 7 years(depending on usage) the cost of which is around Rs.3000.
Please find the link to the Permionics site https://permionics.com/
I live in Bangalore and didnt know where to buy it in Bangalore, so I mailed them and got a quick response from them giving me their dealer details. I found the dealer very knowledgable, co-operative and friendly.
At last one important thing to note, this company Permionics is the only company in India manufacturing the membranes, I came to know from the dealer that its run by scientists who believe in human values, so minus the advertising hype which may have boosted the price of the product 2 folds. So its wise to buy now.
God bless you.