Its been a long time I am trying to reduce my hefty weight. I have been to almost every weight loss center, tried diets and gone into every possible workout although I have a knee pain which doesnt allow me to do physical exertion.
I write this review to place forward all that I have accumulated at this ripe age.
1) Diet: Believe me it doesnt help. You may lose a few kgs as long as you are on those sick diets. As soon as u shift from your weight loss diet to your regular diet you are sure to gain all that lost weight. It is not hard for us to realize that whatever we eat we become fat, Also my granddaughter- whatever she eats she doesnt gain weight.
2) Liposuction: Surely gets that flab off, but u will not loose weight, also my cousin gained it back in the next 3 months; the reason being very simple that it is an external procedure the body restores its fats reserve. Liposuction is not for weight loss, its only cosmetic- has no health benefits.
3) Exercises: Ah it was never possible for me to indulge into exertion( coz of my osteoarthritis). I read that exertion is in no way related to weight loss. It is surprising to listen to that but having read all that was available I realize that when we exercise we add more muscle bulk. For oldies like me it is always impractical.
4) Getting yourself heated up: Er, it is perfectly useless, all those adds on the television, all those vibrators and sauna systems, or any centers which provide passive movement exercises, passive movement was first used in russian army to maintain the health of their soldiers and it was never meant for weight loss. Passive exertion is known to help u secrete more of growth hormone which is no where related to weight loss. They only make u sweat not lose weight.
5) Gastric surgery: Has its benefits no doubt also advised by surgeons( I guess coz they get huge sums of money). It reduces your appetite, it is like cutting out some of your stomach - quite a lot of it.
Helpful for diabetics but one is bound to suffer from dietary deficiencies. Also quite a few of these are irreversible procedures. If any body asks u to get them done just ask them what after u have lost weight. Still you will have that small stomach with a huge number of syndromes and disturbances like dumping syndrome and rapid gastric emptying.
People talk of life style changes as if they are so convenient to be done. They say in medicine that weight loss should be gradual- its only because they have no methods to make us lose weight in a rapid manner which is scientific.
I once asked a doc regarding the detailed way in which fat metabolism works and he willingly accepted that it is not yet understood completely.
Dieting pills are another nuisance, I tried with pills which make you reduce your fat absorption. I didnt lose weight. Then after profound reading I realized that sugars are converted to fats, fats per se are difficult to be absorbed.
People plz beware of hollow mockery and fraudsters, opt for any procedure after you understand it completely, make sure you invest your money in the right place coz all of them are only to loot and they never give u assurance that u will 100% lose weight. Should they be able to lose weight they should charge us later once we have lost weight and not before.