To lose weight one thing that a person should have is a strong will power and have to be mentally prepared to do so.And if we have this and plus you know how to do it there is no need to go to a dietician and shell out hefty sum.
According to me if we follow the steps which I am going to list below will definately show results.
STEP ONE-weigh ourself before we start on a diet
STEP TWO-join a gym where we need to work out for an hour or more.
STEP THREE-Know the amount of calories each food has and plan the menu for the day which should not exceed more than 2100 calories which is the daily requirement for a women and around 2500 for men.
Am quite surprised as to the ignorance of people regarding calories and what important part it plays in our life-regarding health and weight.
Below is the list of some of the common food items and the amount of calories it has-
bread 1 small slice 60 calories
egg 1 95
oil 1 tablespoon 125
rice(cooked) 1 cup 170
wheat 100 gms 340
milk 1 cup 95
sugar 1 tablespoon 60
butter 1 tablespoon 100
apple 1 medium 50
banana 1 100
pulses(all kind)100 gms 300-350
cabbage 100 gms 27
carrot 1 20
potato 1 80
cauliflower 100 gms 30
The physical activity that we do in our daily life also helps us to burn our calories folowing is the list of some of them and the calories that we burn in an hour-
driving 204
sitting 75
running(11km/hr) 624
swimming 480
walking(8km/hr) 498
cooking 165
eating 84
sleeping 60
watching tv 78
If we work out for an hour or so and not exceed our daily calorie requirement we can definately lose weight.
I have been following this since last 10 days and in one weeks time have lost 2 kg.Exercising alone helps a person to lose weight inches wise but not weight wise for that we have to diet also.And once we start losing we feel good and if we feel good we will look good and thats what everone wants isnt it?