Losing weight demands preparation, effort and commitment to come to fruition without effort and action, you will not succeed. You cant wish your weight away. You have to work at it and be prepared for those times when you slip, so you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on.
Firstly look at your eating habits snacking when you watch TV, or eating while reading, eating the minute you come in the house, eating when the kids come in from school, eating when you come in from a date, or eating while cooking dinner, if yes, then you really need to change your eating habits and learn to eat proper meals at proper times.
Traditional diets teach us that to lose weight, we must count calories, keep track of everything we eat, and deprive ourselves by limiting the amount-and kinds-of foods we eat. Diets tell us exactly what and how much food to eat, regardless of our preferences and individual relationships with hunger and satiety. Dieting can help us lose weight(fat, muscle, and water) in the short term but is so unnatural and so unrealistic that it can never become a lifestyle that we can live with, let alone enjoy! Diets do not teach us how to deal with our cravings and our desires, or how to attend to our feelings of hunger and fullness. Eventually, we become tired of the complexity, the hunger, the lack of flavour, the lack of flexibility, the lack of energy, and the feeling of deprivation. We quit our diets and gain back the weight we have lost; sometimes we gain even more!
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Most of the fast foods or pre-cooked available in the supermarkets are heavily laced with fat-laden sauces, cheese and butter and we have forgotten the delicious fruits and vegetables that are available. These are the REAL; naturally low fat foods that we should be eating! Weve forgotten how good so many fruits and veggies really taste
Cook a huge pot of several veggies you like.theyll be available all week, without a lot of preparation time when your hungry. Maybe mix them with some brown rice and squeeze some fresh lemon juice over them. there is nothing better! You can do the same with fruits. Make a big fruit salad with three or four fruits you enjoy. Keep it in the refrigerator for quick access when youre hungry.
Drink plenty of water daily. Water is vital to digestion and metabolism, acting as a medium for various enzymatic and chemical reactions in the body. It carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells through the blood, regulates body temperature and lubricates our joints(which is particularly important if youre arthritic, have chronic muscular-skeletal problems or are athletically active). We need water to breathe; we lose approximately one pint of liquid every day just by exhaling.
Exercising regularly and eating lean-supporting calories, protein and carbohydrates, and reducing fat-supporting calories will not only help you look and feel better, it will also significantly reduce your risk of disease. Walking is one of the best exercises for strengthening bones, controlling weight, toning the leg muscles, maintaining good posture and improving positive self-concept. To lose weight, it is more important to walk for time than speed. Walking at a moderate pace yields longer workouts with less soreness - leading t more miles and more fat worked off on a regular basis.