Even I have Heard Samsung is poor beacus it makes lot of of Noise and takes long time for cooling, about LG cant say, Electrolux is not so good
Carrier is best it has 3 brands in window Section - 17500/, 18500/ & 22000/-
Voltas also comes in SAme Range
Hitach is Excelent but Very Costly all models are above 23000/-
U need stablizer to control Ac voltage Which cost you between 2500-2750 and Ac fitting cahrge minimum 500/-
If u want to be in budget go for Carrier or voltas(TATA product- SWDESHI)
Even I enquired all Branded AC using Hitachi Compresor
IF u have Any Review About Videocon or Blue Star Share it or if possible about Split AC also
U can also Check Energy Saving Ratings that is also important
Always BUY AC from Product Dealre dont buy from Malls they will charge you Extra
whatever A U buy check for After Sale Service
and also check extra cost for maintaing AC
U need to clean filter every 2 week