It emerges that buying an AC is not like TV or Fridge or mixer. In the case of latter . You can make self analysis and judgement depending upon ones own needs and views. However AC is a complex technical subject matter.
It involves calculations, verification to ascertain the appropriate choice etc . AC runs for a longer period and expected for more years and its performance is affected due to windows, partitions, position, doors, sealings, etc. It is much more expensive even to maintain than other items. Service and maintainenace involves more expenses.
Therefore it is not sufficient to take dealers advice on load calculations etc because it is natural for him to think and work out in his mind what he can sale to a prospective customer which brand / model gives him more commission and minimum 1 year peace without any complaints. Investing huge amounts and after one year( that is afetr warranty period) the trouble begans one is bound to be unhappy and cursing.
Therefore I would suggest taking opinion of any practising engineeer/ consultant who is not in business of AC as dealer or representative and who has experience in most common models and their problems. That way paying him a fee is justified for he calculates and chooses technically optimum design and is not influenced by make or looks of model. He is in better position to know what is gone wrong and advice the customer. A dealer normally delays visiting the site after installation and only finds ways to convince the customer that other factors are responsible and that his machine is ok. A consultant will visit for reasonable period.