Hi Folks,
Well my people have history with Lungs and rising pollution has made it more tougher, we are using electrical Air purifier from the time when they were not very frequently available in India and we would have used atleast 8–9 Air purifiers of different brand
My Personal Experience says that More or less all the Companies are using the same concept and technology which is Air Circulation, where Air Passes through set of Filters, impurity gets filtered out in the filters and we get Fresh Air Out
So don’t get into the marketing gimmicks of the brands, Choose wisely based upon price and service commitment of the brand. All are same, All are equally effective.
Alternatively you can also try charcoal based natural Air purifier, I had bought this Shudh Air Purifier few days before and they work like magic, take some time but eliminates air pollution very effectively also very cheap and long lasting.