Power failures can be a pain in the neck if you are not properly prepared. We have them here in the winter and summer. I do not like being left in the dark fumbling around. Here are some things you should have handy.
A flashlight. They usually take D cell batteries so you will want to keep them on hand or you can get a rechargable one. This will be the first thing you need to find in order to light the rest of the house so keep it in the same place all the time and a place that is easy to get to in the dark. It is not a bad idea to keep one in every room of your home.
I always have a big supply of candles, both regular and battery operated as I love candles anyway. Make sure you have matches on hand to light them and keep them away from anything flammable.
I have two good sized lamps that have lamp oil in and a wick that you light and 2 of these will light up a good sized room well enough to see with no problem.
They also sell battery operated stick up lights that turn on by pulling on a chain and these are great in closets or pantries, hallways, places where you just need a little light.
I am going to go a step further with this review and talk a bit more about power failures.
You do not want your food to spoil so it is wise to keep a picnic cooler in your home. The food will keep for quite some time in the fridge if you leave the door shut but sometimes power can be out for some time and then the ice chest will come in very handy or if it winter and you live where there is snow put the food out in the snow and keep it even longer. Once frozen food has thawed remember to cook it all first before re-freezing it.
If it is winter you also will not have heat so it is a good idea to have a portable heater such as used for camping that you can put in one room and stay there to keep warm. Make sure you have plenty of blankets.
At all times try to keep your cabinets filled with food that can be eaten without being cooked unless you have a gas range to cook on.
If there are any downed wires in your area do not go outside until they are fixed for your own safety.
I keep several gallon jugs filled with water at all times as you may not have water in a power failure either.
If you are prepared it will be a breeze.