Luminous is worst inverter I had experienced. In 800-850va series!
Poor quality
Auto cut on little higher load, if u see- sukam will give you time to reduce load.
Not takes higher load, it runs only 1 pc and 2 fans. But sukam, microtek, mahindra can run 1 pc and 3-4 fans.
Charging problem may arise.
Never go for luminous.!
Sukam pure shine wave inverter shiney850 va can consider good option to run computers & house hold goods. Due to best switching time less then 10 mily sec. So pc not gets off in power fluctuation.!
So go for sukam shiney 850va & numeric 1000va. Numeric pure sine-wave inverter are best alternative to run pc & can with understand with higher load on single battery system., because it is 1000va capacity with one battery system.
Till my review there are only 2 inverters -available in India with the capacity of 1000va, on single batter system;- 1. Numeric 2. Mahindra. Go with them!