Choosing a gift for a colleague or co-worker is totally different when it comes to India and US. This may be because of the different cultures that exists in both the places. In US people are more private and expect others to respect their privacy while in India it is comparatively less. Not only that, when it comes to co-worker, one’s budget is very limited. Also, you don’t want to give him/her the things of which they have bad memories. So one has to be very careful when choosing gifts.
So when it comes in choosing gifts for your co-worker, I suggest the following gifts and what I think it signifies to them. All these things can be accompanied by a greeting card and a box of chocolate.
For US Co-Workers
1) Gift certificate or Gift cards from Book Stores, Restaurants, Movie Theatres and Pubs - Personal Choices; Protecting Privacy
2) Small gift from your native place, if you are not from US - Memories
3) Organizer/Planner - Necessity
4) Pens or Pen sets - Work Work Work
5) Small photo Frame - Love
6) Key chains - Style
7) Tickets for games or stage shows - Relaxation
8) Music CD(If you really know his/her taste) - Interest
9) Unique paper weights - Innovation
10) Digital Diary - Modern
For Indian Co-Workers
1) Temperature resistant lunchbox - Khana Garam Garam
2) Photo frame/album - Yaadein
3) Perfume/Deodorant - Chic Magnet
4) Bracelets - Personal
5) Cell phone accessories - Appoon Ka Style
6) Old classic music cassettes/cd’s - Gujari Hui Yaadein
7) Wallet/Purse - Choice Apna Apna
8) Pen sets - Likho Love Letter Baar Baar
9) Tie/Belts - Smarty
10) Show piece for wall hanging/table use - Sajawat
Hope this helps,