If your dad is anything like my dad, youll get this answer when you ask the question, so, dad, what do you want for your birthday(fill in any gift giving day)?
His answer is always the same, I dont need anything, I dont want anything!
So Ive devised a list of things that dad cant turn down, and is always happy to accept.
1- A family picture, framed and ready to be hung.(If you cant get the family all together, let everyone send you individual pictures and put them together in a large frame.)
2- Wash and wax his car. He cant give it back or return it!
3- This ones easy for me, cause dad lives with me. When his credit card bill arrives, (DONT tell the post office) I grab it and make a couple of payments on it.
4- I prepay for a couple of haircuts at his favorite barber shop.
5- A subscription to a magazine I know hell enjoy, but wont subscribe to.(Humpfh, they want too much money!)
6- I upgraded his cable television to receive all the movie channels.(He thinks the cable company made a big mistake, but he wont tell!)
7- I take him to his favorite restaurant on the pretense that, Im just too tired to cook tonight. I dont know how, but it always works.
8- My best and favorite gift for dad is always loving and respecting everything he does and says.(Even if he tends to repeat himself a lot lately and forget to do certain things.)
Each dad is totally different. So you really have to use your own judgement on what to get yours.
The fisherman dad could always use a new rod. The golfer dad could always do with a new club or some balls and tees.
The sports fanatic dad would flip over tickets to his favorite game.(And be even happier if you went with him.)
The choice is yours, depending on your own dad. =)