This week has a day, in the United States, which is designated to honor Grandparents.
I have nine grandchildren and the very best gift I can get is for these children to do their parents proud. I pray they will give their parents the gift of being the type of human beings we can be proud of.
I want them to treat their fellow humans, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or creed the way they want to be treated.
I want them to be proud of their accomplishments and treat their parents as well as their grandparents with love and respect.
I want them to be charitable and give to those who are less fortunate.
I want them to be willing to do a good days pay for a good days wages.
I want them to deal honestly with all people.
I want them to treat their bodies with respect and remember all their parents have done to give them those bodies.(No drugs, drinking or smoking)
And. I wouldnt mind receiving a plant.:-)