I know its not the right time for me to be writting this review...but I will.
A Mother is the most precious gift of the world and she is the only one thing which cannot be replaced by any one...anyone at all.She is the living example of selfless unending and undying love and care.You might have heard of a bad father...but theres never a bad mother.She can be bad for the world if it comes to the safety and well being of her child. She bear’s us for 9 months in her womb and then the visible connection is cut, but the connection between a mother and child is so strong that nothing can separate the 2 from each other. And when it comes to giving that lady a gift who brought me into this world…the one who is responsible for my very existence…well!!!
Here goes my list…
A good morning kiss…When my mom wakes me in the morning and is all mad at me ‘coz I am always late to rise…this works. Between all her “u r so irresponsible” yelling…when I call her and make her sit by me on my bed and give her a sweet kiss…she always gets that “mera bacha” smile!!! And I know she wasn’t angry, just that she was concerned that I should not get late. But there starts my perfect day…”mama ka chehra mere liye lucky hai”!!!
Being home in time…My mom never asks me where I am going? Or why? Or with whom?... But she has one strict rule…”tell me what time will u be back by??”…she doesn’t ever give me a dead line…but I have to give her one. It might be 2 in the night or 4 in the morning, but she feels safe that I had told her I will be late. But then I can’t be late than the dead line I gave her!!! If its 2 it has to be 2 and if its 4 it has to be 4. The solution to this is now the mobile phone... I keep extending the dead line every hour. LOLZ
Afternoon nap and evening walks together…this is one time I update my mom with the latest stuff. From encouraging her to join her long lost hobby – pottery classes, to discussing what clothes we’ll wear at the next family functions. To irritating her and not letting her sleep. Also bitching about our friends. Also helping her battle at work with lousy colleagues and advising her to be “very professional”. And asking her to help me with all the messy guys around me and the latest fight between me and my bf. and updating our shopping list. Ohh… we do so much in these 2-3 hrs!!!
cooking dinner instead of her…Though she hardly lets me in the kitchen, ‘coz she feels I create a mess of the whole kitchen even in boiling 2 eggs (which I don’t!!!). But to her standards I am a great cook… just that I mess up the entire place and the servant is bedazzled by the number and quantity of stuff I waste!! so mom feels it better to cook herself than to have to waste 4 hours trying to find where I kept the knife when I last used it!!!
Well all the above I wrote is all that I gave or could give my mom 3 Years back, as I lost my mom to Brain Tumor 3 yrs back. And I never wanted to mention it at the top and make her feel bad that I was sad about it… I know u want me to be happy mom, and so I am!!! !!! This last thing is one thing my mom asked from me just 2 months before her death and 3 weeks before she went into comma from which she never came out. And this is one thing I can actually give her now.
Always smile…Never cry…I know I cant do this…I am crying even now…but I try!!! And mom I am really fine, taking good care of myself and growing up to be a “fine young girl” as papa tells me!!! No one saw me cry even once after my mom’s death till now…. Not for her at least. I don’t need to cry, for as I said… the bond between a mother and child can never break. I still feel her presence so strongly around when I wake up in the morning tensed and panicky to reach college in time, or when I get back home late, or when I am lying on my bed for a nap in the afternoon, or when I am walking alone in the evening, and when I manage the kitchen alone now!!! She is always there to share my sorrows and happiness. And I love her just as much as I ever did before…just that I cant see her…no matter how hard I try!!!
Love u ma…
PS-The only regret is that when it was my turn to give her back all that she gave me in my childhood and teen…she suddenly disappeared. She always told everyone that she loved me more than my dad even, and the last word she said was “Guria” (my nick name). I still spend a lot of my time in that moment!!! Can’t stop crying…. !!!