As a wife, mother, woman, there are lots of gifts that I have gotten over the years as well as those that I would love to still get. But, as the years have gone by the best gifts that I have ever received are the ones from my children. And not the ones that they have bought but the ones they have made.
Here are the gifts that I choose, the ones I love and cherish the most. The ones that will always top any gift that I ever receive no matter who it may be from. These are the gifts to a mother from her children over the years.
The birth of each of my three children! Is by far the most wonderful gift that I have ever received! The children are a gift from God, just as I was to my parents. And each one of them is different than the other one. Each one of them thinks their own way, does their own way, and acts their own way. And it has been a pleasure seeing them grow. Oh there were times when I wanted to give them back and still are. But I guess I will keep them.
The gift of my stepson, whom I love just as if he is my own. His father isn’t bad either!
The very first birthday card that each one of them made me. Those were wonderful times for me. Each child decorated a piece of paper with colors of reds, blacks, blues and greens. See being just two, color didn’t matter to them one bit, just being able to do something to bring a smile to mama’s face mattered. All the scribbling lines, the picture of what is suppose to be me, the trees, the flowers, the hearts you see, that was what was important to them at that age. And the Happy Birthday Mama, written in the handwriting that only they understood.
My stepson made me a wonderful birthday card as well, and he even signed it “love” and I was just as happy as if one of my own had given it to me.
The firsts Mother’s Day Cards and Gifts. Now for me there are several of these. When each of my children started school, they had such wonderful teachers when it came to Mother’s Day. All teachers I do believe realize that this is a holiday that should not be forgotten.
The handwriting is better now since the children have learned a few more things. And now the gifts start to come, gifts that they made special just for me. I remember getting that first Mother’s Day card and gift from their first years of school. The oldest brought me a beautiful card that she made all by herself, along with a marigold plant. The next in line brought me card that her teacher had printed and she colored all by herself, and a marigold plant. The baby, my son, brought me a card that he did with the help of his teacher and a marigold plant. Something about marigold plants as you can see.
And each of those marigold plants was either in a cup or flowerpot and was decorated with such high honors for this special occasion. And not one of my children was broken hearted when they gave me those first Mother’s Day cards and gift. They still are not! I love them all. My grandson sent me my very first grandmothers card this past Mother’s Day and it was just wonderful. And they still keep coming even today!
And the first one from my stepson was one that he made himself as well when he lived here with us. Of course now, his mother won’t hear of his sending me anything for Mother’s Day, heck she doesn’t even make sure he acknowledges his own Father’s birthday or Father’s Day. Isn’t that sad.
The refrigerator of fame pictures. These are the pictures that my children have drawn for me. The ones that I have no idea what they are, but have fun guessing. And when they finally tell me what the picture is, of course I can see it clearly then. And they each said the same thing, “No mama, that is not a dog and cat, but you and me!” “Well of course it is dear!” Over the years my refrigerator has been full of snap shots and drawings from my children and I am very proud of each one of them. And now, my grandson has a place on the refrigerator, and I look forward to all of his. There are still a couple of pictures that my stepson drew me there as well. For we don’t get to see him any more because his mother just will not allow it, so his pictures will always stay. The other children have the opportunity to have their pictures switched out you see, so I get to see something new from them all the time. And of course now I can really tell that they are suppose to be.
The weeds. Yes, the weeds. Each child has come in over the years when they were smaller with something behind their backs. And I as their mother was hoping it wasn’t a frog, bug or snake. And of course it wasn’t. They were the best flowers ever, even better than the roses my husband gives me. There are the yellow ones, the white ones, the blue ones and of course the purple ones. And each has gone into a glass of water for all to see! And of course I had to explain why the “flower” had died a few hours later. But all was okay. I think children somehow understand that a weed will die soon and they seem to except that.
The “I love You Mama” are the best. The hugs are too! The kisses that come along with those are just wonderful too! And even the “I Hate You” that I get now a days from my 16 year old are great too! I just thank her for them and tell her I truly do understand. That I didn’t come into the world this age that I was once her age too!
The just before they go to bed routines that they each have put me through, or still put me through. And each one ending with “Night Mama, I love You” and their own famous kisses and hugs.
The bumps, the bruises, the long sick nights. Yes all of those too! Why you ask? Because, these were always ways that I got to truly shine in their eyes. I mean, look at just what a band-aid will do for a child! Smiles all the way around for all to see and the “See my band-aid that Mama gave me!” Now the throwing up was not good in the least for them or me, especially for them, but, once again mama got to make it all better, and I always do.
The smiles and the tears. Those are some of the best gifts yet. The smiles that my children have given me over the years are too many to count, but I remember each one. The tears when they were hurt or some stupid boy broke one of my girl’s hearts. One time when my oldest was in fourth grade, a boy kissed her and I told this young man if he did it again, he would answer to me! Now that oldest kisses her husband regularly. And when my next in lines first boyfriend broke her heart, I wanted to punch his lights out too! But instead I just held her and let her cry.
The teenage driving. I must be crazy! But, this means that another is almost gone from home. Yeah! Not really, letting them go is very hard to do. Understanding that they will think for themselves, rebel when I say no, talk on the phone all the time, just getting through the teenage years, well that is a gift in itself.
When each one chose the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. This was the greatest gift of all. That is a personal choice for each one of us and I am grateful that my each one of my four children has made that choice own their own.
Each card, letter, picture that each of my children has given me are in their baby books. And when I am gone, they will have those books and they will sit down and look through them and see just how much Mama loved them, for she kept everyone!
God Bless!