Choosing a gift for a new baby is really not too hard, if you think!
A new baby doesnt need yet another stuffed animal to gather dust in their brand new bedroom. The new baby wont get excited over a toy you thought wasto die for! Nor do they need the newest set of millenium edition encyclopedias.
New babies need useful gifts.
A nice set of crib sheets, with a blanket is always useful. Dont buy a matching pillow. Babies DO NOT need to be sleeping on pillows.
And speaking of sleep, what baby has enough sleepers? They live in those little terry cloth stretchy suits!(At least mine did.) Try to find them withoutfeet so baby wont outgrow them as fast!
Clothing is something pretty hard to buy for a baby. First of all, most parents dont tend to dress the baby up in those cute little outfits people seem to always buy. And also, a baby grows so fast in the first year, your cute size 6 month outfit you bought when the baby was born, is usually outgrown by the 3rd month!
Start a savings account for the little one. Even a small amount to start out($25.00, $50.00) is a beginning.(You can also add to that for each birthday or gift giving holiday!)
Another great gift for the new baby is one that most people dont ever think about. Start the baby off with a library! Buy a few books that mom and dad can start reading to him(or her) and continue adding to it.
Or you can even make it a video library.
If mom is going to be using cloth diapers, (which a lot of people are getting back into), buy a couple of dozen diapers, or pre-pay for a month of diaper service.
Is mommy using bottles to feed the new little one? If theyre the disposable kind. Buy a months worth of inserts. Or buy a few baby bottles and wrap them up with a bottle cleaning brush.
You can even buy a few shares in a good stock and watch it grow along with the baby.(Who knows?)
Use your imagination, dont buy another useless little toy.
While all gifts are certainly accepted with great appreciation, all you have to do is* think *to make that gift memorable!
New babies, dont know that you got them a gift. The gift for a newborn, should actually be a gift to the parents! Even a couple of free babysitting nights, so mom and dad can get out makes a good gift.
Remember mommy and daddy need all the help they can get right now, so they can be the best parents to that new little precious baby.