This is dedicated to my girlfriend Naina who is not with me right now andi m missin her a lot.
Top 5 gifts for your girlfriend
When choosing a romantic gift for the special girl in your life, nothing is better than hitting upon the gift that makes her swoon in delight.
But materialistic things are immaterial against your feelings for her.Expressing your feelings for her is the biggest gift she expects from you.
According to me these are the following gifts I personally like to present.But believe me choosing a gift for your girl is a very hectic process. Phew! but the end result is very sweet.
5) Chocolates: chocolate is the perfect gift for the girl with a sweet tooth. With so many choices in chocolate, all you need to know is your partner’s preference, and that high quality chocolate that will melt on her tongue. Naina likes a simple dairy milk.
4) Ear rings: Ear rings are the gift that are very difficult too choose for a girl. I had to purchase atleast 20 ear rings before I found what naina likes.She likes that small cute earrings and I used to purchase those costly fancy big earrings. Phew!
3) Clothes: Get her a dress which suits her personality. need not be a full fledged dress but a top or a jeans will also do. present her when she least expects it.
2) Red Rose: The least expensive but the most effective weapon of love. This is the most old-fashioned gift but never goes out of fashion. Believe me your girl will absolutely like it.
1)* A stolen kiss:Kiss her in between a conversation or when she least expects it and say I LOVE YOU. Nothing is better than aStolen Kiss which will make her cheeks go strawberry red.And that fake angry look on her face, I absolutely love it.
waiting for your comments and your fav.