Yes yes yes! How ever old I may get!( Getting old sucks, if not prepared for it).
I love gifts, giving and more than that receiving. Its been quite some time when valentine’s day would give
me those pleasant goosebumps. Wow, what a feeling it brings. Your existance means so much to your loved ones is fortified by the gifts they received.
I remember in my engineering days, I used to have competition between another girl, for the maximum number of roses we received.
Roses, yes no body can not smile when a rose is sent to them by hand or by courier or by home deliveries. So this year I will make sure that I send roses to all my boyfriends, friends, girlfriends and close relatives. Not to forget my kids teachers and thier doctors. Yes! you too can send roses to anyone you appreciate or has made a difference in your life. Try it, I cannot ever explain the feeling of receiving a rose, especially on the valentine’s day. Love you all who have been sending me roses. But love all those more, hehe, who send chocolates and more.
Just a big pack of chocolate says it all. Known aphrodisiac and feel good edible stuff under the sun. It releases those hormones called endorphins, that makes you feel good and in love! So all you lovely people send chocolates and see them fall in love with you. Hmm but if you are in a relationship then these two feel good things, must be accompanied with a good expensive gift.
Espicially if you r away on VDay, you better send you gift or book it right away! Cute girlfriends or not, a teddy bear is lovable gift. A beautiful pendant with a bright stone on her neck will make u proud every time u see it hugging her. Ok it need not be expensive, it just be more physical and solid to remind her of u, in ur absence. A ring, a chain, a bracelet or even a belly buttton ring, will be ideal and cherished. Now u guys dont worry we have thot of u too. A branded wallet, a branded sunglasses, a ring, a pendant of course. are all unisex gifting items.
Actually if u r more trendy with heavier wallet and a bigger DIL, then a cellphone is the best gift you can give in today’s time. My boyfriend once had gifted me a credit card. Then ofcourse when we broke up it was gone, oh how I miss that card. Ok Ok I missed him too. For the richer lot ofcourse there is no end to what you can gift. A bike, a car(any one listening), a lovely flat. theek hai theek hai, I may be getting too hopeful, .so what, ummeed se duniya kayam hai! Hai Na!
Now that you have decided on the gifts, remember a VD is incomplete without a lovely romantic dinner. Now a days there are lots of offers from restaurants with dance, dinner and games especially organized for love couples. So make use of them and floor your VD from her wits. A cool getaway to nearest hill station or any other small city or town will be appreciated and remembered by your VD life long. remember to be well protected always, hahahaha just kidding.
For those intellectual and art lover types, a lovely book, autobiography, a painting, an antique piece shows your thoughtfulness. Personally I prefer personal gifts only on VD, nothing for home decoration or white goods types. Who wants a grinder or a cutlery set on a VD! Now girls, however practicle u r, dont ask for such homely gifts ever, its highly unromantic!
Once a guy had gifted me a bag full of papaya scrub, foot cream, hand and body cream, some silly hair brush! Stop laughing u. Needless to say he was out of my life asap!
Be ware of gifting certain things, lest u are doomed to be dumped! You cannot gift any scrubber even if u think ur darling needs them badly! You cannot gift an anti ageing cream or an under eye cream unless u have been asked for it! You cannot gift a footwear or socks, instead a sexy stockings or lingerie will do wonders. You cannot gift a hairdryer to make her think whats wrong with her hair! And a wig, definitely not! Please spare ur valentine from the sad feeling that u donot know what to gift her/ him by giving away money, give a credit card instead. Dont ever buy an antiperspirant or deo, u will be spanked for it till it has the last drop init. Buy a perfume instead. A branded cosmetic like lipstick only. Never gift nailpolish or eye make up or face powder etc.
A day in a reputed spa or retreat togather is also a great gift for some you really care and love!
All you value for money seekers, please for gods’ sake be most impracticle at least on this day! Dont go and gift your wife an insurance policy or a term plan this day. Though these are good anniversary gifts and show all the concern one can have.
And all you kanjoos makkhi choos, if you want to get away by saying that whats in a gift, its the thought that matter . go get lost into oblivion.
Love you all! Happy Valentine’s Day my darlings!