You really want to reach top on management level and you really want to be successful in your career, then I would suggest you should follow the following equation:
Technical/Arts/Science/Medical Degree + Management Degree/Experience = Success
Till five to seven years back, market trend was such that management line was generally done by the commerce graduates, while engineers, technical people or other degree holders continue to work in their own field. But today market is changing and this trend is not seen among the graduates, Today, even the non commerce degree holders wants to go for management. This shows there is lot of change in the attitude and the thinking process of the young students who are freshly graduating.
I would like to summarize why I personally think this trend came up (I will talk about technical with management degree for example):
In past few years there has been so many technical advancements that need arose at upper management level to understand the product. With people from commerce background lack technical background, it was hard for them to understand the difficulties faced by technical staff. This led to change in the attitude of technical people and they started taking management courses to fill that gap and they know they will do well and earn well as they have better chances for management position than commerce graduate because of his background Even today this trend is following and according to me its going to continue for quite some time.
All these years average management salary were more compared to technical salary. There is lot of competition at technical level and it is hard to get promotion and to reach higher position but it was comparatively easy on management side. Promotions were faster and were getting better paid. This led the trend to shift towards management side.
Most of management jobs were white collar jobs while many of technical jobs dealt with field work and involved lot of traveling. So people in the technical jobs felt the need to stick to one place and that was possible only through management line. So there was upward swing into it.
Another reason, I could think of is independence. People who were working and wanted to start their own business felt the need of learning some management skills so that they can be successful in the market. By taking management courses, they can get away without hiring anybody on management side, thus cutting down on their investment and becoming self sufficient.
Because of all the above mentioned reasons, I think there is an upward swing in the management degree programs. Now a days you will find many technical people are taking those courses and competing with commerce graduates.
I have similar views on other degree holders too that if they take one additional management degree they can have better edge on others and they can succeed in their life. Apart from all the above mention things, please refer to my previously posted article on “Choosing a Specialization”, which gives you more information on what I think is ingredient for success.
ALL THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!