This is a brief, strictly my personal views, on choosing a career in medicine .
Career choice like choosing a wife is personal . what is good for one is poison for another . Medical career by itself is neither good or bad . But you have to think about a lot of things before considering it .
First of all : to serve people you need not be a medic . In todays corporate culture medicine is business and ethics are often in backseat .
secondly value for money : lets not be hypocritical , most of us are looking at lucrative side of medical career . But currently entry level graduates with MBBS get only 6000 rs while even a call centre operator gets 10000 starting.
and u spent 6 years studying (its tough)
And dont tell me the neighbourhood cardiologist earns lakhs . maybe but after how many years of rigour 6 plus 3 plus 3 plus .... and many entrances (u may not clear in first attempt)
medicolegal : doctors are sued now more than ever . many cases where they are not actually negligent .doctor is no more God now . he is just another businessman
love of biology: u cram a lot of data and spill it out . thats what they teach in our colleges .
So what shall I do : if u r interested in genetics immunology etc --- go for biotech or medical biotech
speech therapy --- u can go abroad . if management is ok
get any good degree and do mba u get upto 2 -3 lac starting salary
if u want to serve ppl ----join a service ngo ..need not be a doc :)
i may not reply but u can message me .
disclaimer :
these are strictly my personal opinions . and email replies also are my personal opinions . your decisions are urs only
best wishes .:)