It is very painful to write regarding such a small thing which could have been solved by one of your team leads, executives if they wanted to. However it did not happen even after prompt payment for the vehicle and documents.
I would like to narrate my suffering in detail. On 23rd December we visited Chowgule showroom which is next to Podar international school to select the vehicle. We selected for Alto 800 Lxi. We wanted to get the exchange offer also . So called on the person the next day to inspect the vehicle and valuation. Mr. Vikrant Shende and Mr. Sachin Gogawale came. Mr.Gogawale inspected the vehicle while I test rode the other vehicle. He priced our old Maruti 800 at 35000/- .
I was not happy with that offer so increased the value to 45000/- on which we settled. He collected the documents. We beforehand told him that our car is from Latur. He said no problem. It is fine. We told that we have check from the home town bank to which too he said no problem after enquiring in office. We handed over all documents to them .
They gave us sale agreement and Delivery recept for old Maruti 800 car at that time dated 25-12-2014. In sale agreement mentioned that 5000/- will be on hold for NOC and promised that will be refunded after one month irrespective of vehicles resale or any problem. They collected original clearance certificate from bank saying they will get the NOC done, no issues with that. During these time they were very sweet talking, enthusiastic but who new this was just a fake show. While booking we paid full amount check which was debited on 29 December 2014 only. We had requested that we want delivery on 12th January 2015 as we are out of Pune and will be unreachable.
Showroom persons Mr.Vikrant and so call Team leader Mr.Vinayak More happily agreed to that. Task remaining to them was to get temporary passing done till 10th January 2015 . We will call on 11th Jan 2015 for accessories if wanted. Independent of the call they were supposed to make vehicle ready with temporary passing done. Meanwhile on their request, we sent scanned copy of signed Election card to Vinayak More’s email address from Nashik on 30th Dec 2015. When we returned and enquired whether we can come to take the delivery of Maruti alto 800 Lxi, we came to know that CRTM(Temporary passing is not done yet). We were shocked to know that after 10 to 12 days also it is not done. We asked the reason behind it and got the answer that wanted Xerox copy of election card. We told Mr. Vinayak More( so called Team lead) that we have sent it on his official mail id. He very lightly and casually said ‘’ Accha mail id war pathawalay ka… baghto’’ How can he be so unserious that he did not check his mail for 12 days.
This is very disturbing for me as a customer as well as should be for chowgule industry and Maruti to have such a person working with them who does not check official mails for 12 days and happy says to customer BAGHTO CHECK KARUN SANGTO. Because of this irresponsible act of Mr. Vinayak More we were late by two days for the meeting and a function we had already planned. I am really very doubtful if he does any work and how he handles team. God only knows. I am fully disappointed with this person. I cannot help saying this. At last we got the delivery of the vehicle on 14th Jan 2015 after waiting in Chowgule showroom for two hours from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. What enthusiasm was seen at the time of booking and making deal was lost and they were doing every thing as a monotonous job. As it was dark, we can not inspect the vehicle, just we got some information in bits and pieces. Handed over documents and fuel passes and said good bye. At the time of delivery we had requested for invoice details. Mr. Vinayak More and Mr.Vikrank said that they will furnish the detail on mail id the next day.
Till today, their next day has not arrived. From 16th January 2015 to 06 February 2015 we have called More and Vikrant around 10 times and mailed too. However no positive response was seen except promises to send to the next day and Monday. He not even bothered to call and updated the status to us. Just like it is our problem now and they are doing a favour .
On 29th Jan 2015 called Mr.More and got the answer that he will send the invoice details by Monday, 2nd Feb 2015 and also deposite the remaining amount( 5000/-) Today is 6th February 2015 and still nothing happened no update no mail . On one day Mr.More was saying that their department was expecting a NOC from us. But that fact is that we have handed over the original documents of NOC from Bank to Vikrant and Sachin Gogawale on 25th Dec 2015 itself and they were going take NOC from RTO or whatsoever during this time and refund the 5000/- Rs remaining from settled exchange amount. This communication is not circulated among team as Mr.More was not knowing about this.
Also we used to get calls till 30th Dec 2014 from Showroom asking what happened about your vehicle purchase, when are you going to book the vehicle. And the fact was that we had booked the vehicle on 25th Dec 2014 itself. Means it was not communicated too.
After working more than 10 years in service industry, I know how such unprofessional and don’t care attitude affects the organisation. Chasing careless, non responsive, irresponsible Team lead Vinayak More and Vikrant for getting a small document(Invoice details) and a refund 5000- Rs which is mine, is become headache . It is nothing but customer harassment and case of cheating by lying to customer at all times. Due to such peoples negligence why should we as a customer suffer even after doing all payment in advance? It is not at all professional and tolerable.
Have heard quiet a good thing about Chowgule but those are turning wrong due to this bizarre experience and in-turn it is hurting Maruti’s customer centric motto of serve customer first at all heights. It does not mean that welcome customer with greetings, tea, coffee and neglect, harass him later.