Having my own experience with Christ, I just came to a conclusion that Christ is a great college if you want to do a course that is B.tech, bba etc. If you want a college where your skills, your talents need nurturing, need spotlight, then Christ is just not the college for you. Its a strict college, I agree to all of that and its also a good educational institution but what it lacks is the very reason why students go to college. College is a place where you find yourself, where you nurture your talents, where you are encouraged to put yourself out there in real qorld, and christ doesnt do it. It will nurture your intellectual side only.
When I went there they told me that ive done dancing, modelling in the past and that is not accepted there. Even the fact that I wrote a novel at the age of 15 didnt impress them. So, in a nutshell, if you just want to study, get a job and live a dull bored life, go ahead with christ but if you need to live your life, explore yourself, find your hidden talents, then I dont recommend Christ.