I have applied for a CIBIL report in the month of December 2015(SR no. 40962823) by paying Rs. 500. I received the report after a week. Even after paying Rs 500 for a report, they have send me a black and white copy of the report, seems a duplicate/copy.
I have gone through the report and found there are some errors in my report. They were showing some of the closed accounts with pending balance. I have raised a dispute and the first reply was shocking, they said, their record do not show anything on behalf of that particular company.
I have replied to that mail, but no proper reply. I then raised the issue in the second level escalation. Then I got a reply saying their record shows there is no pending amount. I raised the issue about the score. If there is no pending amount, my score should be improved. There were no reply till I escalate it to 3rd level.
After more than a month they came with a ridiculous reply that there is no pending amount but the credit score cannot be changed. I do not understand what logic they apply. They have given me a score saying there is some pending amount, and that too was a mistake. And if there is no pending amount my score should be improved.
It is very clear that they are keeping a door open for others to make money.
Everyone should understand that CIBIL is not a Government agency, this is a subsidiary of an American company TransUnion, some banks have share in this company, thats all.
So, my advice is not to run behind CIBIL score. The score is calculated based on the last 24 months transactions. So, no worry. If your loan is rejected based on the CIBIL score, go to the bank and discuss with Manger, without proper reason, your loan cannot be rejected and the bank should give you the reason too.
Jinsen Karedath