As I have had lot of acne problem I tried various products that is specially designed to treat acne such as garnier men oil contorl, acno fight, himalaya neem facewash, nivea men dark spot reduction, nivea men oil control, nivea men all in one and soaps like acnestar, sastid bar, pears and many more. These are all only a few to name. As I was devasted by the results of these products I wanted a change to happen to my skin. To be frank I started to view reviews on mouthshut about the soap which has got highest rating from the users. I did not know that cinthol has TFA of 76% and is recommended by many of the doctors according to the survey conducted in 2008. So I thought why I shouldnt give a try as it is priced only 33rs.
I went and bought the soap and I applied immediately to see how it is. To my good luck the soap is very pungent in fragrance which I liked a lot. Secondly I thought it may start to irritate the skin after I pat dry it. But I didnt happen. And also it didnt make my skin look dry by keeping enough moisture on face.
This is my 8th day of using it. And I am confident that this is best soap I have ever used. Pimples and marks have reduced to a noticeable extent. What Im happy for is its not causing any breakdowns and at the same time not producing any new pimples.