SHITIBANK is the worst bank as far as credit cards are concerned. They are only focused on squeezing out your money...the charges they put, the calculation they do..can put even great mathematicians on shame...and if you query for any tax related stuff they will simply pass the onus to the GOVERNMENT of INDIA. They say the government has introduced this..we cant do anything...after having a horrifying experience with SHITIBANK I initiated to close my a/c. I called chennai office, send a mail, put in a request through customer care..they called back from chennai asking me to review my decision as I was their prime customer...and the lady said she will send me a hard copy requesting for the revision of the decision and I can reply on that...when I received the letter it had nothing mentioned about my intented closure of accounts and had in it advertisement of some insurance provided by SHITIBANK...and the customer care would call you everyday to know when you are making payment..twice I received calls for submission of money for statements which I was yet to recieve...they are a BIG SHIT>>>>these people who handle SHITI in India are bringing a very bad name for this global brand..i think the CITI workers in INDIA are big SHITI....