Im writing this review after reading almost all the reviews of other banks as well as citibanks (Of course I was having no other work).
I own a citibank credit card(silver) for 30 months which now Ive swapped into Indian oil card for the same fee. Im putting together my full experience with this card.
I got this card in three weeks after applying. There wasnt much verification except a phone call. For first six months I dint face a single problem. Then I got some offers on Medical insurance. I applied for me & my 2 brothers and in that process I lost 900 Rs as transaction(quoting two transactions per head and a fee of 150 Rs per transaction) when I was not at all told about this fees by their representative. Except this one incident citibank was always good towards me.
Six months later I got an offer to avail a zero balance Suvidha account with 200 Rs gift voucher. Now and then I got many offers for using citicard.
The services are very prompt, I get my statements in three or four days after it was generated (far better than other banks).
I never had a problem with payment due date(once I made the payment one day after the due date & they didnt fine me for that)
Now & then I got some free additional cards ( I didnt need anymore as this card itself had a good credit limit)
No problems as for as you pay your dues in time.
The internet banking is very easy, & it link all your citibank accounts, unless you account for few server downs and slow connections some time. As my suvidha account is also linked, So I pay my credit dues online just in few seconds( no need to worry about cheques. Even otherwise the cheque collection works great, I never had a problem with that.
Now recently I got an offer to freely swap my card to Indian oil card which I find very useful at petrol bunks.
The customer care is very friendly
Over all, if you dont get yourself into trouble this is a great service (I mean they dont trouble you). Of course be careful and always be suspicious about offers from them & know all the conditions on those offers before using.
You may be charged some thing extra with out your knowledge (like membership fee for XXXXX). In such cases just call the customer call & your money will be reversed.