This title is well suited from Citibank. I have a credit card from them. On Nov 2006 or every 6 of the month, I am dropping my cheque to ATM but this time citi bank misplace my cheque and lost the cheque of RS 1500. This cheque was issued from my corporate account. I am very much conscious about any transaction clearance so I was seen its two weeks pass now still there is no clearance in my account regarding the Citibank credit card cheque.
Then I was contacted the customer support people and told them, but they replied and told me to wait for 2 or 3 days , if it is not clear with in this period then please stop the cheque.
I did the same and after a month pass, they given me a bonus called late fee fine and interest rate. Now just think what kind of business it is all about. I have corporate account with icici bank, credit card from SBI, icici, hsbc. But I never have seen any thing like this way.
They never have any collection services, because they know what game they playing with middle class peoples. These banks always break the backbone of Indian middle class peoples. I am requesting to every one please don’t take any credit card from citi bank.