I am writing this so that I can pour out my vexation, Man, this bank really sucks in terms of their credit cards. As long as you have their cards, they are all sweet. Even then, my card was debited with lots of money for this insurance and that premium without my permission.
Unable to put up with some poor service, I decided to surrender the card and as required, tore my card my dropped it in the drop box. It had a credit amount of Rs. 300 odd. I emailed the executive saying that I would like my card cancelled and I have dropped it in the drop box. I requested them to reimburse the amount standing to my credit.
Voila, promptly I received a draft for the amount. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn?t dreaming.
Few days later, I received a courier from Citibank, with a new card (same number). When I called up the executive, they said they have renewed my card. Wow? that s something.
I told the guys, I had already cancelled the card and don?t need it anymore. They said I had to contact the head office and all the support jargon. (Believe me, I am with the technical support of a leading software product.. So I know what these support folks are like?)
I refused to make payment. And God Bless, I still keep getting monthly statements with the amount I have to pay.
I don?t recommend Citibank Credit cards to any one. For that matter, I would say don?t own a credit card. It is a BIG NOOOOOO.