I tool a Personal Loan from Citibank, Chennai. They have handed over me a cheque payable to me in my HSBC A/c. And they have taken from me 3 HSBC cheques as surety.
I have pre-closed the loan and Citibank returned me 3 cheques - but to great great surprise they have not returned me my HSBC Cheques. They have returned me 3 SBI cheques where they have forged my signatures which matches nearly to 70%.
I have written to them regarding this forgery but they have not replied even once. Probably it will be a great surprise for them to know that I am in close association with one of the biggest lawyers in India and am communicating with banking ombudsman for this fraud and forgery.
Beaware guys - Citibank can do anything. Before you avail any product from Citibank, think - not once but several times - whether it is personal loan or a credit card or a savings a/c.