I am working in Bangalore. My worst days of life started when I took a personal loan from CitiBank. I was getting calls from no. 080 - 51216002 (ISeva which does marketing for Citibank personal loan). Finally I took a loan of Rs 3 Lakhs since I was in need.
I was not at all eligible for this much of amount, then also I got it approved - first mistake from citibank. I told in starting itself that I would be closing it after six months.
I asked for a break up for the same including 4% penalty for pre closing the loan.
)I got the break up from yahoo account (citi loans <personalloandetails@yahoo.co.in>) which made me in confusion....why not from citi mail id.
I started paying the EMIs and continued till sixth month.
When I called up citibank to pre close the amount, I was shocked since amount they told to surrender was 30K more than committed one.
My bad days started then:
a) I was regularly explaining about the mismatch and the reason on phone to Citibank customer care no: 2272484. I talked to Mr. Diwakar.. etc. But nothing helped.
In fact customer care persons started threatening me.... my God are they there to help us OR to shout on us
b) I wrote lot of mails to indiaservice@citicorp.com, but none of them gave me solution.
c) I wrote mails to eserve.veena.nagraj@citigroup.com, but it didnt help.
d) I talked to ISeva manager Manu that you and your people gave me incorrect info just to get one a/c of myself. I told I would go to consumer court and write mails to my colleagues.
He told very confidently, whatever is in your reach you can do that, we are not at all bothered, nobody will listen to u now since u have taken a loan. And if you dont pay it back, bank has various other methods to get it.
His Mobile no I got from citibank itself...that means everybody is involved.
I was shocked the person who was talking to me with so much of respect before taking the loan is now talking rashly.
I went through such a mental harassment that I cant explain.
I cannot meet personally to any manager since it is not allowed...only phones.
I can not file a case since my job does not permits.... 12-15 hours a day.
My suggestions to everybody:
a) Take loans directly from Bank.
b) Get paper from bank about the emi break up. And exact amount you have to pay after pre-closure. Dont get caught on %, outstanding, flat etc..
My feedback for the Bank:
a) Citibank did not take any action against the persons who gave incorrect info. Bank very well knows and promotes the guys who do marketing for them.
b) They never tried to understand my problem...because it is very usual to them
c) Emails to indiaservice@citicorp.com never work
d) Talking to senior managers does not work.
e) Personal loan customer care is not at all friendly. They shout and talk as if they have done some favor.
Finally, I paid to become a fool. I am not worried about my money but culprits are roaming around happily in search of more fools.