I am a retired Bank Manager from State Bank of India, and a senior citizen. My son worked in "Honeywell India ltd" and left it in March 2007. People from City Bank, and their Recovery Agents " SAHIJPAL &ASSOCIATES " keep calling us on our home phone and my sons phone, asking for someone called "Bhushan Kapurs" phone number. On inquiring about it they told us that he had taken a loan of Rs 50000, and is now untraceable. When my son told them that he does not know "Bhushans"phone number and he has no clue about the loan taken city banks recovery agents didnt stop calling us. They call us 4-5 times a day and threaten us of dire consequences if we dont help them. They even threatened that " You and your son should pay Rs 50000 or We will Take You to Court".
My son has left this company over an year ago, and thousands of employees work in a company **are we supposed to keep track of each and every employees phone and addresses !!!
Sir , I and my wife are both over 60 Years old and are law abiding and GOD Fearing citizens , infact I am worried about my and my families safety ever since this incident. I am a heart patient.I have personally tried explaining city bank people that we are innocent and would like to cooperate with them, but their recovery agents dont listen to us and talk to us in a very Abusive and Harassing tone. You tell me is is correct to Haress us in such a manner ? We are not even customers of City bank and still getting such shoddy treatment, imagine how they deal their CUSTOMERS. This despite the fact that RBI has Recently laid out Strict rules against such Recovery Agents and Banks. But Banks like CITY BANK have least Regard for RBIs Rules and FLOUT them openly. Banks like CITY Bank are SHAME ON OUR BANKING SYSTEM , and should be BANNED and their Licence Cancelled ASAP. Banks like City Bank provide shelter to Goons and Illegal elements and contribute to Increasing Crime Graph in our society.
This is the only reason why so many people commit suicidebecause of HARASSMENT by RECOVERY AGENTS. I have decidec that I am Going to BOYCOTT "CITI BANK", which is least bothered about People and Laws, Rules and Regulations laid out by RBI, and Would request readers to do the same if possible. The phone number that I get calls is **01125395118, belongs to " SAHIJPAL & ASSOCIATES W Z 80 A IST FLR Mohan Ngr-46"who are banks recovery agents.They even have a website (https://sassociates.in ) Kindly help us resolve this.
Keshav Kumar Mehra