Hi, friends I would like to share the experience what I had with a citibank, so my advice to the readers is never apply for a credit card with this bank, and if you apply it is for sure that your data is not safe in the hands of banks, especially citibank..
I am a citibank customer from 2004 and one day I get a call from citibank and he asks me over the details to confirm the limit upgradation of my credit card, and on giving the same, I find that he is not a bank employee but he is a fraudster and my account funds are swaped to 3L,
And when I contact bank they are unable to give me any information as their systems are under maintainence or they say that the details what I have given does not match with their data, now it is been a proccess of 1 year and 3 months.
Where I have been receiving threatning calls from the receovery and I have spent approx 80 thousands over the travels behind the bank to meet the person, and now they have realised but they are not ready to compensate over this issue, and for a year I lost my creditabilty coz if I am applying for a loan or any other bank credit card it is getting rejected, coz the bank has reported the wrong information. and if till on date I would have been using the card with out any issues over it so my credit limit would have been increased.
Now you can understand what level of frustation I am going thru, I want to sue this bank as they have really tourched me alot by giving calls in the midnights and early ours, even when I am in roaming, I want to take this issue over filing a consumer suite, I am looking for a good consumer based advocate who can help me in taking over this case. i urge you if there is any please get into my notice so that we can talk over.
i want to understand that who a bank can give data to some collection agency, where this mislead can happen, and if this is the case why RBI is not acting over it.