I have a citibank suvidha account and I was also duped by this simple and hidden way of citibank to cheat you.
I used other banks ATM for withdrawing the money and accidentally entered the Current account instead of savings account while choosing the type of account. To my utter disguise I came to know only after some day that my withdrawal of 7000 rupees allowed citibank to charge 500 /- activation charges + some taxes. How the hell would I come to know that this withdrawal is being done from the ready credit. I was fully aware of the ready credit activation charges. I also had the sufficient fund on my account.
I do not know whether writing on this forum will help but wanted to bring this to authorities/members where does the fairness principle come into picture when such things happen. If I do not have a current account with Citibank, The screen should have mentioned that. Instead the bank went ahead and assumed that I am interested in taking credit from citibank(Whose activation charges are more than 600 /- for me) Come on! no body is fool here and know the gimmicks of trade. Good to know that one can be duped like this also.