- That the Jaipur Branch of ICICI Bank had installed Credit Card
approval Machine (EDU Machine) in March 2003 and following accounts were
allotted to us :
Annexure A) having 1400 Sq. Ft. in the main commercial hub of Jaipur -
i.e. Ajmeri Gate and we are primarily dealing in Jaipuri Bandhej (Tie &
Die) Sarees, Lehanga-Chunni Sets having Zardozi work and various
handicrafts, which are regularly purchased by local residents as well as
visiting Indian and International tourists.
- That we have been accepting payments in cash and through credit
cards from the tourists as well as local buyers, who purchase goods from
- That on 03.03.04, few tourists groups comprising 3 to 6 persons
(one/two ladies with male members) arrived in the forenoon and made
purchases of Lehanga-Chunni sets, Sarees, apparels etc. from our showroom
and offered to make payment by credit cards issued by Citi Bank to which
the undersigned explained that there was no objection. The total purchases
of these groups were to the tune of Rs. 2, 64, 010/- against which the
charge slips duly approved with approval codes were issued by EDU machine
in settlement of purchases made by these customers (Photocopy of charge
slips enclosed marked Annexure B)
- That at the end of the day, settlement was done and the Photocopy
of successful settlement report for 2, 64, 010/- is enclosed marked
Annexure C)
- That we were informed by EDU department of your Jaipur branch
officials on 04.03.04 that some investigation has been initiated by Citi
Bank in respect of few transactions of the credit cards swiped on 03.03.04
at our departmental stores.
- That the total settlement amount of Rs. 2, 64, 010/- which include
Citi Bank Cards as well as Non-Citi Bank cards) has been unauthorised
withheld by ICICI Bank pending investigations of Citi Bank.
- That on 04.03.04, we were informed by the EDU department to carry
out normal Credit Card sales and further amounts will be released in
regular process as has been done in the past one year (from the date of
installation of EDU machine). We wish to further inform you that we have
given substantial business through credit cards sales to ICICI Bank from
March, 2003 to 03.03.04 and there has not been a single case of reversal
of sales / debits during this period
- That we were further informed by the EDU department officials not
to worry about the payment and the same would be released within 15 days
time period i.e. within 18.03.04 and ICICI Bank had no role in the
investigation carried by CITI Bank and the payment of Rs. 2, 64, 000/- would
be forthcoming shortly.
- That as authorised by EDU dept. we carried out the credit cards sales
and items worth Rs. 30, 000/- were sold on 06.03.04, photocopy of
settlement report (marked Annexure D) enclosed. This payment was further
withheld by ICICI Bank, without rhyme or reason, totaling to Rs.
2, 94, 010/-.
- That no satisfactory reply has been given by the officials of EDU
department and no reasons for delay in payment have been given so far.
- That further sales worth Rs. 25000/-were made on 08.03.04 though
credit cards, for which the payment has been received and credited in our
account referred above.
- That the EDU department had arbitrarily terminated the Merchant
Establishment agreement on 09.03.04 (marked Annexure E)
- That we have been following up the matter from last five months
claiming the amount of Rs. 2, 94, 010/- with the EDU branch officials of
ICICI Bank at Jaipur for which no reply has been given to us as to when
the amount, legally due to us, will be released.
- That we have even contacted Citi Bank officials, who have now informed
us, that these new credit cards were sent by their Chennai office to their
respective owners in Calcutta by BLAZEFLASH COURIERS (a third rated
courier Company as per our information) and these were stolen on the way
and produced in our showroom for making purchases.
- That we understand from reliable sources that similar case of stolen
cards has happened with ICICI Bank and ICICI Bank management decided to
debit the losses suffered by them from the pending bills of the courier
service, which was responsible to carry the cards from originating station
to the destination i.e. to the rightful owners of the credit cards,
without disrupting the Merchant establishment and /or the credit card
holder. This should become an eye opener for Citi Bank officials and
should be taken as rightful precedence as the owner of Merchant
establishment as well as credit card holder(s) are not at fault due to
sheer negligence or may be willful indulgence of the officials of courier
- That, the Citi Bank officials have further informed us that they do
not have the system of activation of credit cards after it reaches to the
rightful owners of the credit cards.
- That, till date we have not received the settlement amount of Rs.
2, 94, 010/-, on frivolous grounds despite follow up from our side with the
officials of ICICI Bank, Jaipur Branch.
- That your Mr. Vikram Singh Gill, incharge of EDU department, has taken
liberty to alter the last paragraph of our letter dated 08.03.04 (document
marked Annexure F) by his own handwriting, in which we have claimed
outstanding amount of Rs. 2, 94, 010/- with 18% interest, for each days
delay after 03.03.04, till the final payment is received by us.
- That we are rightfully entitled to the aforesaid amount of Rs.
2, 94, 010/- alongwith 18% interest from 03.03.04 onwards for each day of
delay, till the full payment is released to us. Since the credit cards
were duly approved with approval codes by the EDU machine installed by
Jaipur Branch of ICICI Bank and the transactions were completed on the
strength of charge slips, duly approved with approval codes and the goods
purchased by customers had been forthwith delivered to them.
In view of above, we request you to kindly look into the matter and
expedite release of Rs. 2, 94, 010/- alongwith 18% interest, since the
amount has been withheld by ICICI Bank, without any reasonable cause or
justifiable reasons.