Good things first :
Online DD fascility. Very convenint. I think this is the only thing that is holding me with this bank
No, None. Nothing.
Bad things:
Default options: Default option or options assumed by citibank for most of the services are charged heavily.
Unknown Charges: You will be charged often. Say Out of 1 Lakh customers 100 people read thier statement and recognise and in that only 10 will complain and only 1 will have time to fight till the end to rewerse these stupid charges.
Any service activation is very easy as bank earns from it. To cancel it you have to go back to 19th century - write letters, call some 10 times in some cases....aah! its so painful :(
I wonder Why not the degree of ease should be same to for both activating and de-activating any servide !!
- Internet banking site looks horrible - not attractive, not user-friendly
To summarize, the basic banking philosophy of Citibank against the consumers so don’t ever go for it !