The product they offer are good but DON"T TRUST THIS BANK AT ALLLL>>> I am suvidha account ( savings account ) holder of this bank, and perhaps most of you dont know that they have increased the minimum deposit to 10k (PER DAY)... YES PER DAY... so its like a fixed deposit of 10K for you in the bank earning a mere 3.5% when you can get upto 10.75% if you go the market. This I believe is a very important information and all customer deserve to know it. Yes they did tell but it was a small one liner at the end of your monthly statement, which I believe is extremly unfair and does deserve a seperate intimation. Fine Rs250 per month = rs 3000 a year.
Citibank credit card ->" sir, 1 point for every Rs100 you spend" and 1 point = Rs 1 and then suddenly they reduced it to 70p, again without informing.
I am kind of person who reads the whole terms and condition, but its a tough battle against these guys. Worldwide these people have a reputation of cheating people like that and thats exactly what they are doing now. I am planning to take up this case with RBI. Dont know whether an action be taken against them but I believe the governing body deserve to know.
Till then dont trust them...There might be lot of other places where you might be getting cheated.