I had to open an A/c as my salary gets credited to it..Anyway, it all started with me wanting to apply for this Ready Cash benefit. As I used to get a lot of mailers where Citi Finance would inform me that I am eligible for such and such amount of money, so I finally decided to avail of the offer. So I called Ready Cash and spoke to somebody who guided me through the whole ready cash process, I also checked the citibank website for more information and updates also.
It is stated you need no documentation/guarantors.As Im working in a reputed call centre since last september, I thought it would be easy as according to their dumb website.
So this guy sent a rep to collect my documents, the rep took three postdated cheques from me, one for the service fee for Rs, 1, 000/ and two for around Rs.3, 900/ each. He also took my bank statements for the last three months and promised me that the my loan would be approved. I had initially applied for Rs.40, 000/- anyway this guy called up once only to confirm my details, then he never called.
I called him up and conviniently he was not available at his desk so some other person took my call and said that I would not be eligible for the loan. He stated rather rudely that I need to have a landline # or a residence in Bangalore and on top of that they do not give out personal loans to people working in Call Cantres.
The best part was that he said he was sorry and he did not sound sorry at all. Anyway I asked him for my cheques and he said Fine! Youll get your cheques by tomorrow. He was behaving as if he is doing me a big favour. The bottom line is why advertise something when you cannot work on it? It is known as Suvidha, but for me, it definitely was not.. And also Customer Service means serving the customers so that at the end of the call, they feel their problems have been resolved. But these guys at Citibank seem to have no clue about Customer Service..Even I am Customer Care Officer and if I had behaved like that, I would have been chucked out of my job for good..You know what Im planning to do, I shall open a new A/C elsewhere and talk to my HR to get my salary credited to that A/C..Maybe they would like it, they certainly deserve it...Why cant they have written in their dumb website....Ready Cash only for specific people, NOT FOR CALL CENTRES INDIVIDUALS....Sucks big time....