Citi bank has the best banking services posible... No moatter what part of banking it is, it is the best... Talking about the ATM services first excelent, networks good, always with appropiate currency notes, phone linces always working, and even the AC temperature are maintaned properly, there is nothign what you can find as a problem there...
Now talking about the Phone services, you do not have hold time at all.. and most of the task can be completed on the IVR(Interactive Voice Rsponding) System and do not require to talk to reps... Some time when you have to talk to them they will make you fell that you are actually a valuable customer for them... And the mail from them always coem on time hardly once I faced problem in last 5.5 yrs that is negligible... talking about the NetBanking very easy and convient and nothing like it... Overall nothing but GREAT SERVICE...