Citi bank is a leader in torturing its customers. I wonder the kind of excellence they have build in torturing their customers until they pay their installment for a particular month. Their modus operandi is simple, call, call and call the customers until they are depressed and upset and pay off the installment for that month. They are not at all considerable and will hit you if you ever miss any of their installments.
Now if you switch of your phones, they will start calling those that you had mentioned as references in the loan application form until these references start calling you to take this banks calls! So be aware if you are providing any reference contacts to this bank while applying for loan, if you miss on even one installment they will execute this modus operandi and see to it that by end of the month you have paid off the installment.
Citi bank is purely a killing machine, their installment dates are always on the 1st of every month and mind you never ever do an ECS with this bank, else get ready for bouncing charges from both sides - this %$#$ bank and your bank whose ECS you have given. This way, I guess Citi gets more profit, by looting its own customers and pretending to be innocent.
Altogether, it is wise to NOT to take any loans from Citi Bank. Because as per its logo, CITI never sleeps and so does it never allows its customers to sleep in peace.