Hey All,
So a day I chose to get a ledger opened at citibank as I had gotten notification from my partners that the administration here is great and the offers on different shopping and different sites and rebates is additionally there so I was enticed to get a record opened and went to the brand in Monali As I entered and requested the bank opening subtle elements I was sent to a man who I figure was in charge of the bank related issues and appeared to be occupied around then.
As I went there I got some information about the subtle elements should have been filled and he gave me a structure however as u approached him again for help he yelled as opposed to offering me on the premise that I some assistance with being aggravating him from his work and ought to fill the structure in entirely way and dont trouble him in an exceptionally discourteous conduct.
Taking a gander at his conduct I was stunned and requesting that he carry on to which is contended and staff viewed and other came to quiet me down however he had effectively done the affront I couldnt overlook.
Dont recognize what administrations they give or how great they are I am failing to come back to such bank who doesnt regard their clients