Insurance & Accident policy – Now you have it (blink) now you don’t!!!!!!!!
Yes that’s magic according to Citibank.
I have a Gold credit card and had taken a secondary card for my brother. When the card was issued it carried an Insurance & Accident policy for approximately 10 lakhs for both the primary and secondary card holder.
Unfortunately, I lost my only brother aged 23 years in the Mumbai train bomb blast who was the only support and earning member for my parents. I called up Citibank to block the card as it was lost in the blast. The grief was colossal and it took us a long time to start gathering our scattered lives.
While doing all his bank formalities, I remembered the Citibank policy and thought that it would be a huge support to my parents. To my disbelief and utter shock I was informed that the policy had been withdrawn by the bank and I was not aware. I was spellbound and numb.
When did this happen? Was it because I had informed them earlier to block the card?
I called up the bank posing as a new customer asking for the formalities and facilities with respect to the card. I WAS OFFERED INSURANCE AND ACCIDENT POLICY OF 10 LAKHS.
How can they offer me again something they have already withdrawn?Is it that they just offer policies to get business and once the customer is in the policy is out?When will these banks stop cheating the customers?
How do I get what is due to my parents?