I got this card for business travel for USA for 10 days. I used this card to pay the hotel room charges, which hotel took in advance as it was pre-paid card. They did two transactions to complete the payment USD 798 (approx) (620 +178) with separate approval codes. Citibank cleared transaction USD 798 in one transaction. So I had three transaction instead of two i.e. totaling 1596.
When I called them up they said there are two transaction on same approval code and another on separate approval code. Now it means I had three transactions on two approval code. When I asked them how could they do it, they said its system problem. When I asked them to revert the billed amount, they said I had to get merchant approval on email. I even got that, even after that they did not revert and sent 10+ emails + 3 hours on phone talking to customer care nothing happened.
I HAD TO BORROW MONEY. NICE SOUL to whom I could not give money back there because they take 30 days to revert the unclaimed money from vendor.
I am corporate customer, this is what happened to me. As individual I would never recommend this anybody. Probably the hotel I went, is never going to accept the card.