Every body knows that there a meeting at Mumbai 0n 14-15 Oct 2009 but as per court order company has to send proxy form to every investor but many of the investors have not received the form till to date.
It is also a doubt to most of the investor that is it compulsory for all the investors to attend the meeting or is it compulsory to fill the proxy form by every investors and deposit at meeting venue. If any lawyer investor can clear the doubt for the same to many investor.
As per offices are concerns all the office across the country are closed even office at Mittal tower is also closed then how company are sending proxy forms to the investors.
Suppose on 14-15 Oct meeting there is no outcome than what wiil be next step so my request to all that please communicate m.no. at least statewise to form a team for further action I also request that please share all your opinions on the website so that every body will be aware about the happening at mubai as well as other part of the countery.
Person at Jaipur can call me on 9929766157 for any update as I have many my friend at Mumbai and residing very near to the Nariman point (City H.O.) who have also invested in the comany along with me since last 4-5 year