We are aware that the meeting for investors in schd on the 14th and 15th of oct 2009. many of us have not recd the intimation of the meeting, however it is necessary for us to show our support and proactively help in this by filling up th eproxy forms and handing it over to someone who ais attending this decisive meeting about our investment.
Would request all people in the meeting to hear out the scheme first.please keep in mind that any schemes that gives us our principal amount +7% interest is good and in favour.We have all been greedy and in expecting high returns have ended up in this deep trouble.Would request you all to be sensible and take a decision which is in our favour.please dont be greedy and xpect more now.its time to just get back our hard earned principal with a nominal interest.
Also people who have a better understanding of the proposed scheme, please put in an example for each scenario as it would help people understand better. there are a lot of lay mans investing n this scheme and I m sure that they would be confused. please help them understand the sheme. I m also not too sure of it else I would have done this. instead of talkind in anger, lets be sensible. hope this diwali will not go witout a solution to our major problem. And ya one more suggestion...lets stick to the proper investments..being greedy is what we are paying for :::)))