I want to own car so I invested in City Limouzine in Sep.2004. I opted Car option and city bought TATA INDICAB on my name . My 5 year agreement is upto Sep.2009. I invested around 160000/- rs.
City Gives me return of 6000/-+6743/-(Car Loan EMI)=12743. Total. My last cheque of agreement was bounced in sep.2009. But my car loan is upto feb 2010 .and city has not given any cheques for this
EMI as per agreement. If city is noy honouring my agreement then I want my car back. But problem is City gives the vechicle to AMBEDKAR PRATISTHAN. and AMBEDKAR PRATISTHAN gives the vechicle to another person on hire .
They took 1.5 lakh security deposite from that third person. Now in this critical sitiuation, How I can get my Vechicle back.? What is the role of AMBEDKAR PRATISHTAN in all this scheme?] Also they have all the original documents of vechiclw with them ?
Can any one help me or guide me in this direction.? If company have a good intentions then why not they communicate with investor via their website ?