My name is Ravindra Parkar I have invested 2.70 laks in combo plan in the month of July .i.e.31st July. Agreement and Chaeque also not recived till date. I have invested in Combo plan where some amount have invested in Realcom, Some in City liouzines i.e. vehical plan and some is in City credit society. I do not invested in share maney as I will be recieved entire money in 60 months only.
Please explain to those investor whose invest money in the month of July 31st or before 10th of August and agreement not yet made. Scheme agreement binding to those investor??? How they can recover their money.??? Can they vote for / against agreement. They do not have share certificate. can they recd entire money back.????
Please Please anyone can tell us since so many investor falls under this category. I also. Nobady can tell anything about above situation. Please help us me and those investors falling in this catogory. We are in under tense. dont know what to do and whom to ask. Citys office do not give proper reply. Pleaseeehelpppppp that investorrr
Ravindra Parkar,