I have been reading all the reviews regularly, but I think there is lot more fishy inside. I think there is lot of political game behind this and Masood is also involved. these guys know indian publics mentality, they know the most we can do is gossip and after certain period of time everybody will forget. you can take examples like harshad mehta, telgi etc.
If u check the companys recent plans, they were giving huge discounts to attract more people. Masood and the government must have come togather and made this plan otherwise you just think the media who creates bawaal over nothing why they are not putting this news on the front page.
When some child falls in a drain this media will show it as breaking news. that means the media have got instructions to stay away from this matter. the news that they are providing is not sufficient. they should bring Masood in front of the public and media has the power to do so. As u know media is always hungry for such news.
I can figure out what would happen on 7th oct, when all the investors will meet. there might be few people who will start the mess and the meeting would be cancelled due to chaos. this people would be hired by the government or Masood to do this. Government can go upto any level. I personally feel that all the polticians should be brutally killed, this motherfuckers wouldnt spare anybody for their benefit, not even their mother.
Now the only solution I can see is that we have to straight away speak to the president or any higher authority of government to solve this ASAP. why cant they make it simple, as they are seeing howmany people are suffering because of this. otherwise we can warn the government that if the problem is not resolved ASAP all the investors and thier realtives and friends will not vote to any political party henceforth, we can vote for nobody as there is option of this. By doing this they will lose lakhs of votes. By the way what happened in the investors meeting which was going to held at shivaji park, mumbai on 17th sep?