Here are some investors who are saying that chennai office is open and they had communicated with the emloyee of that office, Not even this he had also taken no. of masood. some are saying that office is close , Please tell the correct situation what exactly is happening ? Also, I request you to all not to beat staff as they are only the emloyees like us.
Suppose in the company we are working founds to be involved in such situation and public come and starts beating us, off course we will run away that is what they are doing and remember one thing if employees and offices are closed then no one would be answerable, only we will be keep on trying to find answer on Internet.
I had taken loan from bank and invested in citi i.e near about 6 lakh and I am not even thinking to commit suicide or any thing like that, I have dicided not to pay bank if citi cheated me, If masood can do a fraud of 200 Crores then cant we do a fraud of only 6 lakh. common yar. Be +ve , learn some thing from masood....
Oh my God, I have taken a loan only from ICICO bank but any ways I will switch of my mobile phne and sell my house and run, and publish in news paper that my family and me dont have any relationship as he was involved in criminal activity like city limouzines scam and has wasted lot of money in foolishness.
Let me know if there is any other way to come out ?